


To install curriculum in the Islamic perspective for developing the characters of the learners, HIRA is relying on Association For Academic Quality (AFAQ)


AFAQ Association For Academic Quality, a private ‘not for profit’ organization, is a movement to raise the educational standards in Pakistan. It has been established as a voluntary organization in collaboration with the leading school systems of Pakistan. The venture is supported by expatriate Pakistanis, leading scholars, educationists and professionals in Pakistan.

AFAQ aims at developing curricula, textbooks, teachers’ guides and supplementary readers for the educational institutions. The curriculum documents and textbooks are developed keeping in view the guidelines of National Education Policies, ideological foundations, pedagogical requirements and recent development.

AFAQ in collaboration with the training institutions offers long-term as well as short-term teacher training programs which may be general or subject oriented.

AFAQ has initiated a consultative series of school visits to provide guidance to them on developing self-directed improvement strategies.

AFAQ contributes in quality oriented endeavors of public and private schools.


Afaq Syllabus LogoHira National Education Foundation Pakistan has accepted AFAQ SUN SERIES and AFAQ IQBAL SERIES as a part of its syllabus.

To learn more about AFAQ please click the link

Hira National Education Foundation (Regd.) Pakistan

After the creation of Pakistan the next step was building the country which made it binding that the direction of education, its curriculum and system were in conformity with the direction, aims and objectives of the country to be achieved. It should have had the development of the ideology of Pakistan among its youth as its goal.
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